BitTorrent, Explained. from BitTorrent, Inc. on Vimeo.
In this guide you will learn how to send email and sms messages notifications to yourself or friends when a torrent is complete in Utorrent.
It requires basic knowledge of the command prompt, utorrent and hardware. If you get stuck just comment.
Part 1 - Email Notification.
Step 1. Email via the command line
You will need an email to command line program - I use Send Email (link here) but there are many good programs.
Extract and save the program in your root directory such as C, or in its own folder eg. C:/SendEmail/. This will make it easier to use.
It is important to familiarize yourself with your command line email program by sending a few test emails.
Run a command prompt by going to Start-Run, type cmd and then click OK.
Change the directory to the folder you saved the program by typing: cd Directory eg cd SendEmail
Send an email by typing the programs name followed by the inputs it needs to send an email.
eg. C:/Sendemail/Sendemail -t -u test email -m hi, this is just a test email to learn how to use the program. -f -s -xu username -xp password
This command will send an email:
-t To: to
-u Subject: test email
-m Message :hi, this is just a test email to learn how to use the program.
-f From:
-s SMTP server - in this case I used gmail and set the port. You can normally just use your ISPs smtp server without port, username or password.
-xu SMTP username if required
-xp SMTP password if required
After entering the command, you should receive your email shortly. If you have any problems, see the send email website listed above to troubleshoot commands.
Step 2. Sending in Utorrent
Now that you are familiar with sending emails via the command line, it is easy to set up in Utorrent. When you add a torrent, click on the advanced button:
Now click on the advanced tab. If a torrent is already in progress, right click on it and go to properties, there you will see the advanced tab.
Now all you need to do is paste the appropriate command into the 'Run Program' box. It is important to use the %F %N and %D commands in the message and subject. These put in the torrent name and file names so you know which torrent finishes.
This is an example of what to put in the program field.
C:/Sendemail/Sendemail -t -u %N %F complete -m hi, your torrent %N filename %F is complete and is saved in %D -f -s -xu username -xp password
OK- so email taken care of.. now SMS Messages!
Part 2 - SMS Messages Notification
Method 1. Email to SMS Messages Gateway
Many cell/mobile networks provide an email to sms messages gateway that allows an email sent to an email address to be sent on to a numbers SMS. An example would be will send to the cell number 19001287309. Check if the provider you are sending your SMS messages notification supports this feature. It is usually cheap if not free.
If your cell/mobile provider does support email to sms messages, simply use the above email method to send out your notification, just replace the email address with the correct email to sms messages gateway address. This method also allows you to send both an SMS messages and an email, just send to a SMS gateway and a regular email.
Not all providers offer Email to SMS Messages - and some can be expensive the other option is to send the SMS message yourself....
Method 2. SMS Messages via Command Line + Mobile tethering
This method requires a SMS Messages to command line tool just like email notifications. I use Send SMS Messages (link here).
Install it to an easy to remember directory like C:/SendSMS/. Become familiar with sending SMS Messages from the command line.
SendSMS /port:COM1 02751728729 Hello!
Will send an SMS to 02751728729 saying 'Hello!' from the phone attached to COM1
SendSMS /port:COM4 1234561651 Hi!
Will send an SMS to1234561651 saying Hi! from the phone attached to COM4
Note: You must specify the com port if using com 2 3 or 4. 1 is the default.
Now a word about Cell/Mobile Phones.
Almost any type of phone you can connect to your PC will work for this method. You can connect via Serial, USB or Bluetooth(often unreliable). You can also use mobile data cards and USB sticks that take a SIM card and can send SMS Messages.
I'm not sure that CDMA phones will work and windows mobile 6 and up might not work. Technically the phone or data card just has to support AT commands and have the ability to send SMS Messages. I suggest using a cheap old phone that you don't need.
Also- find a way to send cheap SMS messages.. mine can be free depending on what number I send to. Many providers have special deals.. but that is up to you.
You should normally install the connection software (eg Nokia PC Suite etc) from the phone manufacturer before connecting your phone as this installs the correct drivers. If you know what you are doing you can simply install the correct modem drivers for the phone.Once the phone is connected it will appear in device manager as a modem.
To access device manager go to Start, Control Panel, System, Hardware tab, Device Manager.
I can potentially use the Nokia or the Sierra Wireless USB dongle for this.. but we will use the Nokia as the example.
Double click on the Phone to bring up the Modem Properties Window. Click on the Modem Tab to check the COM port. For Send SMS Messages it must be 4 or less. If the port is COM 5 or above, click on the Advanced Tab, click on Advance Port Settings.
Change the Port to a port COM1 to COM 4. If these ports are in use, unplug some devices or change the ports on other devices to free up these ports.Press OK a few times to confirm the changes.
Send a test SMS message or 2 from the command line.
Sending SMS Messages from the command line is very useful for things like server notifications and Batch SMS Messages but we will just concentrate on utorrent!
Using SMS Messages Command In Utorrent
See the email guide for how to run the program when a download completes.
The command to use will be something like this.
C:\SendSMS\SendSMS /port:COM4 0728372039 Your Torrent %N is saved in %D!
The SMS Messages is now sent to your phone.
Any questions please comment!
About the Author
Luis Garzon. Author is an professional in the area of E-mail to SMS Messages.
Send SMS Messages and Start your Mobile Marketing with instant Yepword Text Messaging Campaigns for less than a cup of coffee.
Read more about email to SMS Messages at his website Mobile Monopoly Review
Start Sending Email To SMS Messages
Learn How To Send FREE SMS Messages To Mobile
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